A downloadable soundtrack

SoundCloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/gardenvirus/sets/ost-game-jam-4-submission?utm_source=cli...

Total Runtime – 6 minutes 39 seconds

Composed, mixed, and mastered in Pro Tools. All samples from the plugin “Xpand!” 

The narrative in my imaginary game goes as follows: 

You play the prince of a nation that recently won a war by utilizing a devastating biological weapon. Although the war was won, the weapon used to win it continued to spread and envelop everything it touched, claiming any life it could as part of its hive mind. The winning nation sealed its kingdom from the outside world, creating a haven for its people and spreading propaganda that things were getting better outside the capital city. 

Being skeptical of this, the prince sends scouts behind his parents backs to illegally exit the city and report back to him what they saw. He finds out the world is getting worse. Angered by this, he makes plans to run away from home, see things for himself, and try to find a way to correct his parents’ wrong doings from the war. 

The prince’s eighteenth birthday approaches, and every member of royal blood takes part in a ceremony on their eighteenth birthday in which their soul is projected from their body into the spiritual realm where they meet The Guardians of the Crown. One is The Spirit of Valor, and the other is The Spirit of Sorcery. Once set before the guardian spirits, the prince will choose to receive either the gift of strength in combat from The Spirit of Valor, or the gift of prowess in magic from The Spirit of Sorcery. Many years ago, it was made illegal to choose both, as one of the prince’s ancestors did so and was destroyed by it. Having both powers at once is too much for the human body to withstand. 

Knowing full well he will need unimaginable power to destroy the ever-expanding biological catastrophe that plagues the world, the prince plans to ask for both powers even though he won’t survive more than a couple years if he does. On his eighteenth birthday he will receive both powers, then after waking back up in his body he will flee the capital city before he can be caught and imprisoned for breaking sacred law. 

“A Decision of Consequence” is what would play while he’s speaking to the spirits and asking for both powers. “

Flee the Capital!” is what would play as he is tearing through the streets of the city, fighting and evading soldiers, desperately trying to get out of there. 

“First Gaze Upon Forsaken Soil” is what would play when the prince makes it out of the city and sees the world in shambles.


gardenvirus - A Decision of Consequence.mp3 4.1 MB
gardenvirus - Escape the Capital!.mp3 7.6 MB
gardenvirus - First Gaze Upon Forsaken Soil.mp3
gardenvirus - The Torn Prince.zip 13 MB

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